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MEMS Piezoelectric Optical Test engineering Mathematical & FEA Data Processing

Tecray are MEMS/MST consultants with practical experience in MEMS from chip design to successful instrumentation product with highest performance features. Alongside partners we can assist each step from concept through prototypes and integrating electronics with embedded firmware to a full instrument product.

What is MEMS / MST?

MST (Micro -Systems Technology) or MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) is the engineering of small scale sensors or actuators chips with features of the order of micrometers. These are made generally using silicon micromachining, but with the addition of other materials. The market for MEMS products is becoming larger - $5.7billion for chips in 2005 and $38billion for products. (more...)

What tecray can do for you


Advise on or research the various technologies for your application


Work with you in feasibility, functional specification, design and planning studies.


Help you model, design and develop a MEMS / Nanotechnology product


Coordinate development to set up prototyping with foundries & institutions, managing the path of your product.


Silicon, Elastomer, Piezoelectrics & Optics
Design with MEMS silicon technologies.
MEMS with specialised applications and materials
We have experience of long range elastomer structures, optical dielectric coatings, piezoelectric, electrostatic and other technologies.
Device design and modelling - for reliability, environmental & qualification
Mathematical and FEA modelling of MEMS / miniature devices and their packaging. Careful consideration of the all-important factors of environmental effects and reliability.
Device Packaging
Packaging design and modelling for MEMS  devices to develop effective packaging with techniques from thermal control to optical mounting and stress minimisation.
Product test and electronics integration
Test and integration skills.

Home Enquires Links MEMS M2 Piezoelectric Optical Test Maths&FEA Data Analysis